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Maity, Dipankar., Zhou, Yuchen., Baras, John S., "Optimal Mission Planning under Logical Constraints with Safety Gaurantees: An Application for Robotic CPSs", International Symposium on Networked Cyber-Physical Systems (NetCPS), Garching, Munich, September 19-20, 2016
Gao, Peixin., Miao, Hui., Baras, John S., Golbeck, Jennifer., "STAR : Semiring Trust Inference for Trust - Aware Social recommenders", 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, pp. 301-308, Boston, Massachusetts, September 15-19, 2016
Soleymani, Touraj., Hirche, Sandra., Baras, John S., "Optimal Information Control in Cyber-Physical Systems", 6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, pp. 1-6, Tokyo, Japan, September 8-9, 2016
Baras, John S., "The Next Wonder - MBSE/MBE: From Ideas to "Making Products and Services"", 21st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Berlin, Germany, September 6-9, 2016
Weng, Xiangnan., Baras, John S., "Joint Optimization for Social Content Dissemination in Wireless Networks", 2016 IEEE 27th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), pp. 1-7, Valencia, Spain, September 4-7, 2016
Baras, John S., "Multi-Agent Collaborative Decision Making: Constrained Event Algebras, New Logics and Their Game Theoretic Semantics", Workshop on Information, Decisions and Networks, in honor of D. Teneketzis’ 65th Birthday, Ann Arbor, MI, July 28-29, 2016
Deng, Juan., Wang, L., Liu, Z., Baras, John S., "Attitude synchronisation of multiple rigid in SE(3) over proximity networks", 35th Chinese Control Conference, pp 8275-8280, Chengdu ,China, July 27-29, 2016
Baras, John S., "Networked Cyber-Physical Systems (Net-CPS)", 35th Chinese Control Conference, Chengdu ,China, July 27-29, 2016
Somarakis, Christoforos., Paraskevas, Evripidis., Baras, John S., Motee, Nader., "Synchronization and Collision Avoidance in Non-Linear Flocking Networks of Autonomous Agents", 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, pp. 1089-1094, Athens, Greece, July 21-24, 2016
Rabieekenari, Ladan., Baras, John S., "Combining Greedy Hyperbolic Routing with Back - pressure Scheduling for Better Network Performance", 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, pp.698-705, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 11-15, 2016
Somarakis, Christoforos., Baras, John S., Motee, Nader., "Consensus and Synchronized Periodicity in Nonlinear Delayed Networks", 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, pp. 823-829, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 11-15, 2016
Somarakis, Christoforos., Maity, Dipankar., Baras, John S., "The Effect of Delays in the Economic Dispatch Problem for Smart Grid Architectures", 2016 American Control Conference, pp. 3533-3538, Boston, Massachusetts, July 6-8, 2016
Paraskevas, Evripidis., Maity, Dipankar., Baras, John S., "Distributed Energy-Aware Mobile Sensor Coverage Game with Inter-Agent Communication", 2016 American Control Conference, pp. 6259-6264, Boston, Massachusetts, July 6-8, 2016
Maity, Dipankar., Baras, John S., "Dynamic, Optimal Sensor Scheduling and Value of Information", International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2015), pp. 239-244, Washington DC, July 6-9, 2016
Luan, Wentao., Mao, Ren., Baras, John S., "Active sampling exploiting detector response pattern for efficient target detection", 19th Intenation Conference on Information Fusion, pp. 1916-1922, Heidelberg , Germany, July 5-8, 2016
Zhou, Yuchen., Maity, Dipankar., Baras, John S., "Timed Automata Approach for Motion Planning Using Metric Interval Temporal Logic", European Control Conference (ECC16), pp. 690-695, Aalborg, DK, June 29 - July 1, 2016
Somarakis, Christoforos., Hadadi, R., Baras, John S., "Dynamics of Collectives with Opinionated Agents: The Case of Scrambling Connectivity", European Control Conference (ECC16), pp. 1445-1450, Aalborg, DK, June 29 - July 1, 2016
Soleymani, Touraj., Hirche, Sandra., Baras, John S., "Maximization of Information in Energy Limited Directed Communication", European Control Conference (ECC16), pp. 1001-1006, Aalborg, DK, June 29 - July 1, 2016
Paraskevas, Evripidis., Jiang, Tao., Purkayastha, Punyaslok., Baras, John S., "Trust-Aware Network Utility Optimization in Multihop Wireless Networks with Delay Constraints", 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, pp. 593-598, Athens, Greece, June 21-24, 2016
Soleymani, Touraj., Hirche, Sandra., Baras, John S., "Optimal Self-Driven Sampling for Estimation Based on Value of Information", 13th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems , pp.183-188, Xi'an, China, May 30 - June 1, 2016
Maity, Dipankar., Baras, John S., "Strategies for Two-Player Differential Games with Costly Information", 13th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems , pp . 211-216, Xi'an, China, May 30 - June 1, 2016
Weng, Xiangnan., Baras, John S., "Joint Optimization for Social Content Delivery in Wireless Networks", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2016), Kuala lumpur, Malaysia, May 23-27, 2016
Weng, Xiangnan., Baras, John S., "Joint Optimization for Social Content Delivery in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks", 14th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks, pp. 155 - 162, Tempe, Arizona, May 9-13, 2016
Baras, John S., "Learning Through Direct and Indirect Communications for Distributed Control in Networked Systems", Zurich, Switzerland, February 2016
Matei, Ion., Baras, John S., "Distributed Nonlinear Programming Methods for Optimization Problems with Inequality Constraints", 54th Conference on Control (CDC 2015), pp. 2649-2654, Osaka, Japan, December 15-18, 2015
Somarakis, Christoforos., Baras, John S., "Distributed Solution of the Economic Dispatch Problem in Smart Grid Power Systems Framework with Delay", 54th Conference on Control (CDC 2015), pp. 6577-6582, Osaka, Japan, December 15-18, 2015
Liu, Xiangyang., Baras, John S., "Trust-Aware Crowdsourcing with Domain Knowledge", 54th Conference on Control (CDC 2015), pp. 2913-2918, Osaka, Japan, December 15-18, 2015
Maity, Dipankar., Baras, John S., "Event Based Control for Control Affine Nonlinear Systems: A Lyapunov Function Based Approach", 54th Conference on Control (CDC 2015), pp. 3767-3772, Osaka, Japan, December 15-18, 2015
Zhou, Yuchen., Baras, John S., "Reachable Set Approach to Collision Avoidance for UAVs", 54th Conference on Control (CDC 2015), pp. 5947-5952, Osaka, Japan, December 15-18, 2015
Gao, Peixin., Liu, Zhixin., Baras, John S., "Bipartite Consensus for Global Trust in Social Network Services", IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom 2015), San Diego, California, December 6-10, 2015
Paraskevas, Evripidis., Baras, John S., "QoS Aware Component-Based Routing in Resource-Constrained Wireless Multi-Hop Networks", 23rd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP - PhD Forum ), pp. 476-478, San Fransisco, CA, November 10-13, 2015
Baras, John S., "A Rigorous Framework for MBSE and Applications to IoT, WSN and MEMS", IBM Continuing Education for the Internet of Things Conference, Chantilly, Virginia, November 3-4, 2015
Baras, John S., "Security and Trust for Networked Cyber Physical Systems (Net-CPS)", 2015 Cyber-Security and Privacy Winter School (2015 CySeP), Stockholm, Sweden, October 21-23, 2015
Katsipis, Iakovos M., Baras, John S., "Reasoning and Decision Making in Health Care Management of Diabetes Mellitus using as Framework Model Based Systems Engineering", White 2015, The 6th Annual Workshop on Health IT and Economics, Washington DC, October 9-10, 2015
Baras, John S., "Dynamic Co-evolving Sociotechnical Networks", KAUST Conference on Human-Machine Networks and Intelligent Infrastructure, Saudi Arabia, October 5-7, 2015
Baras, John S., "Security and Trust for Networked Control and Sensor Systems", 3rd International Symposium for ICS & SCADA Cyber Security Research 2015, Ingolstadt, Germany, September 17-18, 2015
Miao, Hui., Gao, Peixin., Hajiaghayi, MohammadTaghi., Baras, John S., "HyperCubeMap: Optimal Social Network Ad Allocation Using Hyperbolic Embedding ", The 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2015), pp. 357-362, Paris, France, August 25-28, 2015
Katsipis, Iakovos M., Baras, John S., "A Modeling, Health IT, Analytics Framework for Healthcare Management and Application to Diabetes II", INFORMS Healthcare Conference, Nashville, TN, July 29-31, 2015
Deng, Juan., Song, Wenjun., Liu, Zhixin., Baras, John S., "Pose Synchronization of Rigid body Networks with Switching Topologies", 34th Chinese Control Conference (CCC2015), pp. 7639-7644, Hangzhou, China, July 28-30, 2015
Somarakis, Christoforos., Baras, John S., "Non-Linear Flocking Networks with Collision Avoidance", 34th Chinese Control Conference (CCC2015), pp. 7633-7638, Hangzhou, China, July 28-30, 2015
Somarakis, Christoforos., Baras, John S., "A Simple Proof of the Continuous Time Linear Consensus Problem with Applications in Non-Linear Flocking Networks", European Control Conference (ECC15), pp. 1546-1553, Linz, Austria, July 15-17, 2015
Zhou, Yuchen., Maity, Dipankar., Baras, John S., "Optimal Mission Planner with Timed Temporal Logic Constraints", European Control Conference (ECC15), pp. 759-764, Linz, Austria, July 15-17, 2015
Baras, John S., "Trust in Networks and Networked Systems", Cambridge, UK, July 2015
Somarakis, Christoforos., Baras, John S., "New Results on Stochastic Consensus Networks", 2015 SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, pp. 115-122, Maison de la Mutualite, Paris, France, July 8-10, 2015
Liu, Xiangyang., He, He., Baras, John S., "Crowdsourcing with Multi-Dimensional Trust", International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2015), pp. 574-581, Washington DC, July 6-9, 2015
Gao, Peixin., Baras, John S., Golbeck, Jennifer., "Semiring-Based Trust Evaluation for Information Fusion in Social Network Services", International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2015), pp. 590-596, Washington DC, July 6-9, 2015
Baras, John S., "Simple Distributed Control of Networked Systems: Learning, Direct and Indirect Communications", SIAM Conference on Control and its Applications, Paris, France, July 2015
Somarakis, Christoforos., Baras, John S., "Delay-independent convergence for Linear Consensus Networks with Applications to Non-linear Flocking Systems", 12th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems (TDS 2015), pp. 159-164, Ann Arbor, MI, June 28-30, 2015
Maity, Dipankar., Baras, John S., "Event Based Control of Linear Systems with Stochastic Perturbations", 1st IEEE International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication, and Signal Processing (EBCCSP 2015), Krakow, Poland, June 17-19, 2015


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