Baras, John S., "Complex Network Problems via Greedy Hyperbolic Embedding", 2nd NIST-Bell Labs Workshop on Large Complex Networks, Gaithersburg, Maryland, June 2012
Chen, Hua., Hovareshti, Pedram., Baras, John S., "Communication Network Challenges for Collaborative Vehicles", Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 1472-1476, Pacific Grove CA, November 6-9, 2011
Baras, John S., "Wireless Information Infrastructures and the Future Internet: Protocol Components, System Architectures, Security and Privacy", Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Symposium (WPMC'11), Brest, France, October 3-6, 2011
Baras, John S., "Control Science and Engineering: Providing Foundations for the Emerging Model-Based Systems engineering Discipline", General Electric Research Controls Symposium, Niskayuna, NY, September 2011
Baras, John S., "Cooperative Swarms: the Interplay Between the Collaboration and Communication Multigraphs", Workshop on Flocking, Swarming and Control of Distributed Systems, Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM’11), Budapest, Hungary, July 8-11, 2011
Baras, John S., "Challenges and Opportunities for Future Broadband Networks: From Physical to Services to Social", Kick-off meeting of the new center of excellence Labex Comin Labs, June 2011
Baras, John S., "Physical Layer Security and Trust Mechanisms: Critical and Indispensable", 2nd Army Research Office Special Workshop on Hardware Assurance, Washington DC, April 2011
Baras, John S., "Network Science Principles and Cooperative Networked Systems", The Institute of Systems Science (ISS) of the Chinese Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (AMSS), Beijing, China, March 2011
Baras, John S., "Component-based Architectures for the Synthesis of Intelligent Networked Systems", IEEE-CYBER 2011, pp. 10-11, Kunming, China, March 20-23, 2011
Baras, John S., "Dynamic Magic Graphs in Cooperative Networked Systems", The 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2010), Budapest, Hungary, July 5-9, 2010
Baras, John S., "Architectures, Modularity and Robustness in Networked Control Systems", 2010 IFAC International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, Leuven, Belgium, July 5-7, 2010
Baras, John S., "Trust and Reputation in Networked Systems: Social, Information, Communication, Control", Networked Systems Seminar, Irvine, CA, November 2009
Baras, John S., "Collaboration in Networks of Autonomous Agents: Coalitional Games, Constraints and Architectures", Workshop on Frontiers in Distributed Communication, Sensing and Control, New Haven, CT, November 2009
Baras, John S., "Swarms, Coalitional Games, Trust, and Network Topologies", 3rd Workshop on Swarming in Natural and Engineering Systems, Block Island, Rhode Island, June 3-4, 2009
Baras, John S., "Trust and Reputation in Communication, Social and Biological Autonomic Networks", 2009 Information Theory Workshop, Volos, Greece, June 2009
Baras, John S., "Effects of Network Structure on the Performance of Networked Systems", Control Frontiers Workshop, in honor of Professor Petar Kokotovic, Santa Barbara, CA, May 28-29, 2009
Baras, John S., "Future of Multi-hopping: from Theory to Practice", Tenth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (Mobilhoc09), New Orleans, Louisiana, May 18-21, 2009
Baras, John S., "The Role of Trust in Collaborative and Adversarial Behavior in Networks of Autonomous Agents", AFOSR Workshop on Adversarial and Stochastic Elements in Autonomous Systems, Arlington, VA, March 2009
Baras, John S., "Constrained Coalitional Games and Networks for Autonomous Agents", Inter-Perf 2008: Workshop on Interdisciplinary Systems Approach in Performance Evaluation and Design of Computer & Communication Systems, Athens, Greece, October 2008
Baras, John S., "Multi-hop Mobile Wireless Network Design: Implicit Cross-layer Loss Models and Performance Sensitivities", MobiCom 2008, San Francisco, CA, September 14-19, 2008
Baras, John S., "Trust in Social, Economic, Communication and Web-based Networks", 12th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI2008), Samos, Greece, August 2008
Baras, John S., "Dynamic Trust, Reputation and Recommender Systems for Web-based Social Networks", 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’08), Patras, Greece, July 21-25, 2008
Baras, John S., "Main Issues in Defining and Maintaining Trust: Vision for the Future", Future of Trust in Computing Conference, Berlin, Germany, June 30 - July 2, 2008
Baras, John S., "Wireless Network Design: Implicit Loss Models, PHY Feedback, Performance Sensitivities", USC Workshop on Wireless Networks, Los Angeles, California, May 20-21, 2008
Baras, John S., "Dynamic Iterations on Partially Ordered Semirings with Applications to Trust Evaluation in Networks", Lausanne, Switzerland, February 2008
Baras, John S., "Collaborative Control of Underwater Vehicles under Severely Limited Communication", 2007 IFAC Conference on Controls and Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS ’07), Bol, Croatia, September 2007
Baras, John S., "Constrained Coalitional Games and Component Based Networking", ARL Fellows Symposium: Towards a Science of Networks, Adelphi, Maryland, August 29-30, 2007
Baras, John S., "Security and Trust for Wireless Autonomic Networks: System and Control Methods", 2007 European Control Conference (ECC07), Kos Island, Greece, July 2007