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Tan, Xiaobo., Baras, John S., "Optimal Control of Hysteresis in Smart Actuators: A Viscosity Solution Approach", 5th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Springer Lecture notes in Computer Science(LNCS), pp.451-464, Palo Alto, CA, March 25-27, 2002
Baras, John S., "Stochastic Dynamic Models for Internet Traffic and Congestion Control", Atlanta, Georgia, February 2002
Poovendran, Radha., Baras, John S., "An Information-Theoretic Approach for Design and Analysis of Rooted-Tree-Based Multicast Key Management Schemes", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 47, Number 7, pp.2824-2834, November 2001
Li, Hongjun., Baras, John S., "A Framework for Supporting Intelligent Fault and Performance Management for Communication Networks", IFIP / IEEE MMNS 2001, Vol. 2216, pp. 227-240, Chicago, Illinois, October 29 - November 1, 2001
Manousakis, Kyriakos., Baras, John S., "Scalable and robust reliable multicast for satellite networks", Military Communications Conference, McLean, pp. 676-680, VA, USA, October 28-31, 2001
Baras, John S., "Stochastic Dynamic Models of TCP, Extensions and Marking: A Control Perspective", Stochastic Theory and Control Conference, honoring Professor Tyrone Duncan on his 60th birthday, Lawrence, Kansas, October 18-20, 2001
Baras, John S., "Commercial Broadband Communications To/From the ISS: a SatCom Interoperability Testbed", ISS Utilization Conference, Cape Canaveral, Florida, October 2001
Baras, John S., "Group Communication Security and Key Management for Hybrid and Satellite Networks", Gaithersburg, MD, October 2001
Zhang, Chang., "An Efficient Run-To-Run Controller : ESET", AEC/APC Symposium XIII, pp. 1-4, Alberta, Canada, October 6-11, 2001
Baras, John S., "Interoperability Challenges for Global Wireless Internetworks", Mobile Terrestrial and Space Networking Workshop: Supporting the Scientific Community, Moffett Field, CA, June 2001
Misra, Archan., Ott, Teunis., Baras, John S., "Effect of Exponential Averaging on the variability of a RED Queue", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2001, Vol. 6, pp. 1817-1823, Helsinki, Finland, June 11-15, 2001
Baras, John S., "Wireless Internetworks: Information to the User", Technology Council of Maryland meeting with theme “Unwired and still Connected”, June 2001
Varma, Sudhir., Baras, John S., Shamma, S A. , "Biologically-Inspired Acoustic Wear Analysis", NSIP: 2001 IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, Baltimore, Maryland, June 3-6, 2001
Li, Hongjun., Yang, Shahan., Xi, Haifeng., Baras, John S., "System designs for adaptive, distributed network monitoring and control", IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, Seattle, WA, May 14-18, 2001
Baras, John S., "Internet over Satellite: Metrology, Traffic Models, New Protocols and Applications", Telecommunications Industry Association technical standards group, Arlington, Virginia, May 2001
Gligor, Virgil D., Koleva, Radostina. , Bharadwaj, Vijay G., Baras, John S., "On the Negotiation of Access Control Policies", Security Protocols, Proceedings of 9th International Workshop, Vol. 2467, pp. 188-201, Cambridge, United Kingdom, April 2001
Liu, Mingyan., Baras, John S., "Network Design Using Hierarchical Performance Models and Multi-Criteria Optimization", 5th ARL Federated Laboratory Symposium, pp. 1-6, College Park, Maryland, March 20-22, 2001
Manousakis, Kyriakos., Baras, John S., "Introducing Air Caching Techniques for Boosting Reliable Multicasting for Satellite Networks", 5th ARL Federated Laboratory Symposium, pp. 1-6, College Park, Maryland, March 20-22, 2001
Baras, John S., "Information Centric Systems Engineering", Systems Engineering Subcouncil of Lockheed Martin Corporation, February 2001
Baras, John S., "Information Theoretic Methods for Evaluating Key Distribution Schemes in Multicast", Athens, Greece, February 2001
Nau, Dana S., Ball, Mike., Baras, John S., Chowdhury, Abdur., Lin, Edward., Meyer, Jeff., Rajamani, Ravi., Splain, John., Trichur, Vinai., "Integrated Product and Process Design of Microwave Modules Using AI Planning and Integer Programming", 4th Workshop on Knowledge Intensive CAD, Kluwer Academic Publishers,, pp.186-196., 2001
Baras, John S., Borkar, V.S, V. S. , "A learning algorithm for Markov decision processes with adaptive state aggregation", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp.3351-3356, Sydney, Australia, December 2000
Liu, Mingyan., Baras, John S., "Performance Analysis Using a Hierarchical Loss Network Model", IEEE Globecom 2000,Comunications: The Global Bridge, pp. 1793-1797, San Fransisco, CA, November 27 - December 1, 2000
Misra, Archan., Baras, John S., Ott, Teunis., "Generalized TCP Congestion Avoidance and Its Effect on Bandwidth Sharing and Variability", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Communications: The Global Bridge, pp. 329-337., San Francisco, California, November 27 - December 1, 2000
Jiang, Yimin., Sun, Feng-Wen., Baras, John S., "Maximum Likelihood Slow Frequency-Selective Fading Channel Estimation Using Frequency Domain approach", IEEE Globecom2000, Communications:The Global Bridge, pp. 955-959, San Francisco, CA, November 27 - December 1, 2000
Misra, Archan., Ott, Teunis., Baras, John S., "Using Drop–Biasing to stabilize the Occupancy of Random-Drop Queues with TCP Traffic", IEEE International Conference on Communications Systems(ICCS), pp. 1-9, Singapore, November 19-23, 2000
Zhang, Chang., Deng, Hao., Baras, John S., "The Set-Valued Run-to-Run Controller with Ellipsoid Approximation", AEC/APC Symposium XII, Vol. I, pp. 167-178, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, September 23-28, 2000
Zhang, Chang., Deng, Hao., Baras, John S., "Comparison of Run-to-Run Control Methods in Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes", AEC/APC Symposium XII, Vol. II, pp. 889-896, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, September 23-28, 2000
Baras, John S., "Analysis of the Dynamics of TCP Congestion Avoidance: Random Drops and Random Marking of Queues", Sophia-Antipolis, France, August 2000
Baras, John S., "Internet and Web Metrology: The Keys to High Performance", Research and Network Management Personnel , Virginia, June 2000
Baras, John S., "Group Invariance and Symmetries in Nonliear Control and Estimation", Proceedings of the Second Nonlinear Control Network (NCN) Workshop, Paris, France, June 5-9, 2000
Baras, John S., "Group Invariance and Symmetries in Nonlinear Control and Estimation", Second Nonlinear Control Network (NCN) Workshop, Nonlinear Control in the Year 2000, pp. 01-30, Paris, France, June 5-9, 2000
Jiang, Yimin., Sun, Feng-Wen., Baras, John S., "On the True Cramer-Rao lower Bound for Data–Aided Joint Estimation of Carrier phase and Timing Offsets", IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC’00), New Orleans, June 2000
Tan, Xiaobo., Baras, John S., Krishnaprasad, P S., "Computational Micromagnetics for Magnetostrictive Actuators", 3rd SIAM Conference on Mathematical aspects of Materials Science, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 21-24, 2000
Poovendran, Radha., Keleher, P. , Baras, John S., "A decision-process analysis of implicit coscheduling", International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS, Cancun, Mexico, May 2000
Poovendran, Radha., Baras, John S., "Analysis and Design of Robust Key Schemes for Multicast Communications", ATIRP 4th Annual Conference, March 21-23, 2000
Payne, Stephen Marshall., Baras, John S., "Reliable Multicasting via Satellite : Delay Considerations", ATIRP 4th Annual Conference, College Park, MD, March 21-23, 2000
Depireux, Didier A., Varma, Sudhir., Baras, John S., Srour, N., Pham, T., "Vehicle Classification Using Acoustic Data Based on Biology Hearing Models and Multiscale Vector Quantization", ARL Federated Laboratory 4th Annual Symposium, College Park, MD, March 21-23, 2000
Liu, Mingyan., Baras, John S., "A Hierarchical Loss Network Model For Performance Evaluation", ATIRP 4th Annual Conference, College Park, Maryland, March 21-23, 2000
Tan, Xiaobo., Baras, John S., Krishnaprasad, P S., "Fast Evaluation of Demagetizing Field in Three Dimensional Micromagnetics Using Multipole Approximation", 7th SPIE International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Vol. 3984, pp. 195-201, Newport Beach, CA, March 6-9, 2000
Tan, Xiaobo., Baras, John S., Krishnaprasad, P S., "Computational Micromagnetics for Magnetostrictive Actuators", 7th SPIE International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, pp. 162-173, Newport Beach, CA, March 5-9, 2000
Nau, Dana S., Meyer, Jeff., Ball, Mike., Baras, John S., Chowdhury, Abdur., Lin, Edward., Rajamani, Ravi., Splain, John., Trichur, Vinai., "Integrating AI Planning and Integer Programming for Use in Integrated Product and Process Design", 2000 AAAI Workshop on Integration of AI and OR Techniques for Combinatorial Optimization, Austin, Texas, 2000
Baras, John S., Doyle, John C., Y-C. Ho, Johnson, Timothy L., "At the Gates of the Millennium: Are We in Control?", 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Vol. 2 , pp. 1721-1724, Phoenix, Arizona, December 7-10, 1999
Baras, John S., Dey, Subhrakanti., "Adaptive Classification Based on Compressed Data Using Learning Vector Quantization", 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Vol. 4, pp. 3677-3683, Phoenix, Arizona, December 7-10, 1999
Baras, John S., "At the Gates of the Millenium: Are we in Control?", 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1721-1724, Phoenix, Arizona, December 7-10, 1999
Jiang, Yimin., Verahrami, Farhad., Ting, Wen-Chun., Richmond, Robert L., Baras, John S., "Data-Aided ML Parameter Estimators of PSK Burst Modems and their Systolic VLSI Implementations", 1999 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Vol. 4, pp. 2177-2182, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 5-9, 1999
Misra, Archan., Ott, Teunis., Baras, John S., "The Window Distribution of Multiple TCPs with Random Loss Queues", 1999 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Vol. 3, pp. 1714-1726, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 5-9, 1999
Baras, John S., "Object-Relational Databases and Telecommunication Network Management", Annual Review Workshop, ISIS Competence Center, Linköping, Sweden, November 1999


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