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Dynamic Adaptive Routing in MANETs

Conference PaperInvited and refereed articles in conference proceedings
Authored by:
Baras, John S., Mehta, Harsh.
Conference date:
April 29 - May 1, 2003
Collaborative Technology Alliances (CTA) Communications & Networks (C&N) Alliance- 2003 Annual Symposium, pp. 367-371
Full Text Paper: 

Mobile ad hoc networks are infrastructure-less networks consisting of wireless, possibly mobile nodes that are organized in peer-to-peer and autonomous fashion. The highly dynamic topology, limited bandwidth availability and energy constraints make the routing problem a challenging one. The Swarm Intelligence paradigm has recently been used in solving the routing problem in static computer networks with encouraging results. These algorithms have been proven to be robust and resilient to topology changes. In this paper, we present performance results on a new routing algorithm for MANETs based on the swarm intelligence paradigm. We present simulation results that measure the performance of our algorithm with respect to the characteristics of a MANET, the varying parameters of the algorithm itself as well as performance comparison with other well-known MANET routing protocols.