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Reduced Complexity Nonlinear H∞ Controllers: Relation to Certainty Equivalence

Conference PaperInvited and refereed articles in conference proceedings
Authored by:
Baras, John S., Patel, Nital S.
Conference date:
June 30 - July 5, 1996
IFAC’96, 13th World Congress International Federation of Automatic Control, Vol. E, pp. 383-387
Full Text Paper: 

This paper considers the problem of constructing reduced complexity controllers for output feedback nonlinear H∞ control. Conditions are obtained under which such controllers achieve the closed loop performance requirements. These controllers are non-optimal in general. However, in case optimality holds, they are in fact the certainty equivalence controllers. Conditions under which certainty equivalence holds are simplified and linked to the solvability of a functional equation.