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Nguyen, Alex T., Baras, John S., "Network Cell Air Traffic Routing Model For Control of Throughput and Delay", INFORMS 2009, 2.B.2-1 - 2.B.2-6, San Diego, CA, October 11-14, 2009
Baras, John S., Hovareshti, Pedram., Perumal, Senni., "Dynamic Self-Organization and Clustering in Distributed Networked Systems for Performance Improvement", Forty-Seventh Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton Conference 2009), pp. 968-975, Montecello, Illinois, September 30 - October 2, 2009
Zeng, Hui., Hadjitheodosiou, Michael., Baras, John S., "Rate-Control System with Heterogeneous Time-varying Delays in Broadband Satellite Networks", The Ka and Broadband Communications Conference Navigation and Earth Observation Conference 2009 (KaConf2009), pp. 1-8, Sardinia, Italy, September 23-25, 2009
Roy-Chowdhury, Ayan., Baras, John S., "Probabilistic Non-Repudiation for Source Authentication with TESLA Certificates in Hybrid Satellite/Wireless and Performance Analysis of the Authentication Protocol", The Ka and Broadband Communications Conference Navigation and Earth Observation Conference 2009 (KaConf2009), pp.1-8, Sardinia, Italy, September 23-25, 2009
Baras, John S., Jiang, Tao., Hovareshti, Pedram., "Coalition Formation and Trust in Collaborative Control", European Control Conference 2009 (ECC '09), pp.1197-1202, Budapest, Hungary, August 23-26, 2009
Baras, John S., Hovareshti, Pedram., Perumal, Senni., "Event Triggered Distributed Collaborative Control", European Control Conference 2009 (ECC '09), pp.3797-3802, Budapest, Hungary, August 23-26, 2009
Baras, John S., "Forward Looking Panel Discussion", 2009 SIAM Conference on Control and its Applications, Denver, Colorado, July 8-9, 2009
Somasundaram, Kiran K., Baras, John S., "Performance Improvements in Distributed Estimation and Fusion Induced by a Trusted Core", 12th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 2009), pp. 1942-1949, Seattle, WA, July 6-9, 2009
Baras, John S., "Efficient Connectivity Topologies for Networked Control Systems", SIAM Conference on Control & Its Applications (CT09), Denver, Colorado, July 6-8, 2009
Baras, John S., "Dynamic Distributed Control over Semirings and Applications", SIAM Conference on Control and its Applications (CT09), Denver, Colorado, July 6-8, 2009
Matei, Ion., Baras, John S., Jiang, Tao., "A Composite Trust Model and its Application to Collaborative Distributed Information Fusion", 12th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 2009), pp. 1950-1957, Seattle, WA, July 6-9, 2009
Somasundaram, Kiran K., Baras, John S., "Evolutionary Dynamics of Collaborative Environments with Heterogenous Agents", 17th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED 09), pp 121-125, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 24-26, 2009
Roy-Chowdhury, Ayan., Baras, John S., "Performance-aware Security of Unicast Communication in Hybrid Satellite Networks", IEEE ICC 2009 Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium, pp.1-6, Dresden, Germany, June 14-18, 2009
Baras, John S., Tabatabaee, Vahid., Purkayastha, Punyaslok., Somasundaram, Kiran K., "Component Based Performance Modeling of Wireless Routing Protocols", IEEE ICC 2009 Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium, pp.1-6, Dresden, Germany, June 14-18, 2009
Matei, Ion., Martins, Nuno C., Baras, John S., "Consensus Problems with Directed Markovian Communication Patterns", 2009 American Automatic Control Conference, pp.1298-1303, St. Louis, Missouri, June 10-12, 2009
Baras, John S., "Swarms, Coalitional Games, Trust, and Network Topologies", 3rd Workshop on Swarming in Natural and Engineering Systems, Block Island, Rhode Island, June 3-4, 2009
Baras, John S., "Trust and Reputation in Communication, Social and Biological Autonomic Networks", 2009 Information Theory Workshop, Volos, Greece, June 2009
Baras, John S., "Effects of Network Structure on the Performance of Networked Systems", Control Frontiers Workshop, in honor of Professor Petar Kokotovic, Santa Barbara, CA, May 28-29, 2009
Baras, John S., "Future of Multi-hopping: from Theory to Practice", Tenth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (Mobilhoc09), New Orleans, Louisiana, May 18-21, 2009
Jiang, Tao., Baras, John S., "Coalition Formation through Learning in Autonomic Networks", International Conference on Game Theory for Networks (GameNets09), pp.10-16, Istanbul, Turkey, May 13-15, 2009
Zheng, Shanshan., Jiang, Tao., Baras, John S., "Performance Comparison of Two Sequential Change Detection Algorithms on Detection of In-band Wormholes", Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS 2009), pp.270-275, Baltimore, MD, March 18-20, 2009
Baras, John S., "Constrained Coalitional Games and Network Science", Stockholm, Sweden, March 2009
Baras, John S., "Cooperative Multi-agent Systems and “Magical” Graphs", Electrical and Computer Engineering Control Seminar, Ann Arbor, MI, March 2009
Baras, John S., "Trust and Reputation in Communication, Social and Other Networks", Washington DC, March 2009
Baras, John S., "The Role of Trust in Collaborative and Adversarial Behavior in Networks of Autonomous Agents", AFOSR Workshop on Adversarial and Stochastic Elements in Autonomous Systems, Arlington, VA, March 2009
Striki, Maria., Manousakis, Kyriakos., Baras, John S., "New Algorithm for the Design of Topology Aware Hypercube in Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks", 8th International Conference on Networks ICN 2009, pp.236-244, Gosier Guadeloupe, France, March 1-6, 2009
Baras, John S., "Autonomic Networked Information and Control Systems: The Critical Effects of Connectivity Architectures", 2009 Workshop on Information Theory and Applications (ITA09), San Diego, CA, February 8-13, 2009
Matei, Ion., Martins, Nuno C., Baras, John S., "Almost Sure Convergence to Consensus in Markovian Random Graphs", 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3535-3540, Cancun, Mexico, December 9-11, 2008
Baras, John S., Hovareshti, Pedram., "Effects of Topology in Networked Systems: Stochastic Methods and Small Worlds", 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2973-2978, Cancun, Mexico, December 9-11, 2008
Hovareshti, Pedram., Baras, John S., Gupta, Vijay., "Average Consensus over Small World Networks: A Probabilistic Framework", 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 375-380, Cancun, Mexico, December 9-11, 2008
Yu, Paul L., Baras, John S., Sadler, Brian M., "Power Allocation Tradeoffs in Multicarrier Authentication Systems", 26th Army Science Conference, pp.1-5, Orlando, FL, December 1-4, 2008
Perumal, Senni., Baras, John S., "Aerial Platform Placement Algorithm to Satisfy Connectivity and Capacity Constraints in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks", IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globecom 2008), pp. 1-5, New Orleans, LA, November 30 - December 4, 2008
Roy-Chowdhury, Ayan., Baras, John S., "A Lightweight Certificate-based Source Authentication Protocol for Group Communications in Hybrid Wireless/Satellite Networks", IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globecom 2008), pp. 1-6, New Orleans, LA, November 30 - December 4, 2008
Jiang, Tao., Baras, John S., "Trust Credential Distribution in Autonomic Networks", IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globecom 2008), pp. 1-5, New Orleans, LA, November 30 - December 4, 2008
Baras, John S., Tabatabaee, Vahid., Papageorgiou, George., Rentz, Nicolas., "Performance Metric Sensitivity Computation for Optimization and Trade-off Analysis in Wireless Networks", IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globecom 2008), pp. 1-5, New Orleans, LA, November 30 - December 4, 2008
Perumal, Senni., Baras, John S., Graff, Charles J., Yee, David G., "Aerial Platform Placement Algorithms to Satisfy Connectivity, Capacity and Survivability Constraints in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks", Milcom: 08 Assuring Mission Success, pp. 1-7, San Diego, CA, November 17-19, 2008
Zheng, Shanshan., Jiang, Tao., Baras, John S., "Intrusion Detection of In-Band Wormholes in MANETS Using Advanced Statistical Methods", Milcom: 08 Assuring Mission Success, pp. 1-7, San Diego, CA, November 17-19, 2008
Baras, John S., Perumal, Senni., Tabatabaee, Vahid., Somasundaram, Kiran K., Purkayastha, Punyaslok., "Loss Network Models and Multiple Metric Performance Sensitivity Analysis for Mobile Wireless Multi-Hop Networks", Fourth International Wireless Internet Conference (WICON 2008), Article No.60, Maui, Hawaii, November 17-19, 2008
Baras, John S., "Constrained Coalitional Games and Networks for Autonomous Agents", Inter-Perf 2008: Workshop on Interdisciplinary Systems Approach in Performance Evaluation and Design of Computer & Communication Systems, Athens, Greece, October 2008
Radosavac, Svetlana., Baras, John S., "Performance Evaluation and Trade-Offs of Optimal Back-Off Misbehavior Detection Schemes in Wireless Networks in the Presence of Interference", Valuetools 2008, pp. 1-10, Athens, Greece, October 20-24, 2008
Roy-Chowdhury, Ayan., Tabatabaee, Vahid., Baras, John S., "Performance Modeling of Hybrid Satellite/Wireless Networks Using Fixed Point Approximation and Sensitivity Analysis of the Performance Models for Network Design", Ka and Broadband Communications Conference, pp. 245-253, Matera, Italy, September 24-26, 2008
Theodorakopoulos, George., Baras, John S., Le Boudec, Jean-Yves., "Dynamic Network Security Deployment Under Partial Information", Forty-Sixth Annual Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, pp. 261-267, Monticello, IL, September 23-26, 2008
Baras, John S., "Multi-hop Mobile Wireless Network Design: Implicit Cross-layer Loss Models and Performance Sensitivities", MobiCom 2008, San Francisco, CA, September 14-19, 2008
Baras, John S., "Trust in Social, Economic, Communication and Web-based Networks", 12th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI2008), Samos, Greece, August 2008
Baras, John S., "Constrained Coalitional Games and Networks of Autonomous Agents", Lund, Sweden, August 2008
Baras, John S., "Trust and Reputation in Communication, Social and Other Networks", Athens, Greece, August 2008
Baras, John S., "Trust and Reputation in Communication, Social and Other Networks", Chania, Crete, July 2008
Baras, John S., "Physical Layer Authentication", Herakleion, Greece, July 2008
Baras, John S., "Dynamic Trust, Reputation and Recommender Systems for Web-based Social Networks", 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’08), Patras, Greece, July 21-25, 2008
Matei, Ion., Martins, Nuno C., Baras, John S., "Optimal Linear Quadratic Regulator for Markovian Jump Linear Systems, in the Presence of One Stop-Time Step Delayed Mode Observations", 17th IFAC World Congress, pp. 8056-8061, Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008


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