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Using Broadband Satellite Systems to Support Aeronautical Communication

Conference PaperInvited and refereed articles in conference proceedings
Authored by:
Shang, Yadong., Hadjitheodosiou, Michael., Baras, John S.
Conference date:
April 15-19, 2003
23rd AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference and Exhibit (ICSSC), pp. 1-9
Full Text Paper: 

In this paper we discuss the possibility of using a broadband satellite-based system to support aeronautical communications. First, we investigate the applications and service requirements for current and future aeronautical communications. Then the communication system and network architecture are outlined and some of the system components are discussed in detail, including the satellite transmission channel, the airplane on-board network, and various aspects of aeronautical terminals. Finally we present a simulation analysis of the system with the focus on meeting the Quality of Service requirements for identified service categories.