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An Implementation Study of Multicast Extensions of AODV

Conference PaperInvited and refereed articles in conference proceedings
Authored by:
Dharmaraju, Dinesh., Karir, Manish., Baras, John S., Das, Subir.
Conference date:
July 20-24, 2003
SPECTS 2003 Conference
Full Text Paper: 

In this paper we describe our experience of implementing multicast extensions of AODV (MAODV). Using insight gained from our implementation we propose some enhancements to MAODV that enhance its stability and its performance. We propose the use of a tree optimization scheme based on Group Hello messages, a scheme for merging group partitions, as well as a method to add reliability to the multicast tree formation and maintenance, via the use of an acknowledgement for MACT messages. Our implementation is based on the kernel AODV implementation from NIST. We describe details regarding our implementation that can provide valuable insight to future implementers of ad hoc routing protocols, and in particular, people attempting to implement multicast routing protocols. We also provide a brief description of some basic validation experiments that we used to verify the functionality and the various features of our implementation.