Authentication is the process where claims of identity are verified. Most mechanisms of authentication (e.g., digital signatures and certificates) exist above the physical layer, though some (e.g., spread-spectrum communications) exist at the physical layer
often with an additional cost in bandwidth. This paper introduces a general analysis and design framework for authentication at the
physical layer where the authentication information is transmitted concurrently with the data. By superimposing a carefully designed secret modulation on the waveforms, authentication is added to the signal without requiring additional bandwidth, as do spread-spectrum methods. The authentication is designed to be stealthy to the uninformed user, robust to interference, and secure for identity verification. The tradeoffs between these three goals are identified and analyzed in block fading channels. The use of the authentication for channel estimation is also considered, and an improved bit-error rate is demonstrated for time-varying channels. Finally, simulation results are given that demonstrate the potential application of this authentication technique.
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Physical-Layer Authentication
Journal Article›Articles in refereed journals
Authored by:
Yu, Paul L., Baras, John S., Sadler, Brian M.
Publication date:
March 2008
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 38-51
Full Text Paper: