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Fault-Tolerant Extension of Hypercube Algorithm for Efficient, Robust Group Communications in MANETs

Technical Reports
Authored by:
Striki, Maria.
Publication date:
Number: CSHCN TR 2005-108
Full Text Paper: 

Securing multicast communications in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) has become one of the most challenging research directions in the areas of wireless networking and security. MANETs are emerging as the desired environment for an increasing number of commercial and military applications, addressing also an increasing number of users. Security on the other hand, is becoming an indispensable requirement of our modern life for all these applications. However, the limitations of the dynamic, infrastructure-less nature of MANETs impose major difficulties in establishing a secure framework suitable for group communications. The design of efficient key management (KM) schemes for MANET is of paramount importance, since the performance of the KM functions (key generation, entity authentication, key distribution/agreement) imposes an upper limit on the efficiency and scalability of the whole secure group communication system. In this work, we contribute towards efficient, robust and scalable, secure group communications for MANETs, by extending an existing key agreement (KA) scheme (where all parties contribute equally to group key generation) –Hypercube - to tolerate multiple member failures with low cost, through its integration with a novel adaptively proactive algorithm. We assume that the participating users have already been authenticated via some underlying mechanism and we focus on the design and analysis of a fault-tolerant Hypercube, with the aim to contribute to the robustness and efficiency of Octopus-based schemes (an efficient group of KA protocols for MANETs using Hypercube as backbone). We compare our algorithm with the existing approach, and we evaluate the results of our analysis. Through our analysis and simulation results we demonstrate how the new Hypercube algorithm enhances the robustness of the Octopus schemes maintaining their feasibility in MANETs at the same time.